
Helping people with mental health issues



Unwind is a concept application to help and find a solution for those who are in some way or the other suffering from Mental Illness(es). The application has an AI based recommendation assistant which suggests the actions to be taken based on a given situation. There are some predefined sets of actions such as get consultancy or read a blog and also there are positive recommendations based on the feedback of the user that triggers his mental state the most.

Mobile Application

Concept Project

February 2021

My roles and responsibility

UX & Visual Designer

My responsibilities were to conduct user interviews, user research, translate observations into insights, create user scenarios and use-cases, prioritize the user-needs, design screen-flows, design wireframes, conduct user-testing, and design visual mockups.

The Challenge

The last year of COVID-19 have been full of fear, anxiety and stress affecting people’s mental healthcs. This has taken a toll on the mental health. Majority of these cases went unnoticed as a result of lack of awareness, financial restraints and self-doubts.

The need of the hour is a global digital platform where people support people to stay strong.

User Research & Analysis

Post some research on the topic and needs I started mapping the user scenarios to understand the context of the usage, user needs, and pain-points.I started with a bunch of interviews with people I knew who had faced or are facing or even recovering from mental health issues.


Now, considering the pain points I deduced from previous steps, I summarized the feelings and needs of user into following user scenarios.



The next step was to dig up what the existing apps in the market were doing. The competitor analysis helped me to add exclusive features to the app.


Design approach

The primary focus was to make user understand thier own feeling and providing assistance when they are going though any kind of mental issue.

The secondary target was to provide a platform where people can share their stories and empathize with each other for greater good.

User flow diagram




User - testing against prototype


Major features


AI Assistant

An AI assistant that suggests activities the user should perform based on how he/she is currently feeling. The assistance also takes previous data and action along with their impact on user into calculation while making a recommendation.


A breathing practice module, which helps in the situations such as painic attacts, stress etc. The 3 min of this excercise increases the life of heart. Also music a defalt music plays along-side.


Emergency Handeling

This module cofirms if the user is in deep trouble then the app automatically informs the competent authority that prevent unfortunate incidents.

App UI Screens


My Learnings

Empathy in the Design process

Interviewing and creating user scenarios helped me better understand users’ pain and empathize with them. the user context truly helped me define the design approach.

The need for usability testing

No matter how pro a designer be, but while doing multiple task one can forget small unnoticable features. The user-testing gives feedback from a non-technical and unbiased review to improve and helps make the product better for users.